Letting go of the story you tell about yourself

If you weren't your story, who would you be?

Who are we, if we are not the story?

How is that story relevant to today and the life we want to be experiencing?

How does telling that story match up with the new story we are writing for our life?

Pretty much, I can guarantee it doesn't.

But it's an old, familiar story, and we are comfortable telling it.

When we hold on to that story, constantly identifying with the self of old... breathing life into that story every time we remember it, every time we tell it, every time we emotionally connect with it. How that keeps us stuck in the old story. Even as we are trying to move forward.

We need to let go of the story.

We need to let go of all the stories we have around the story.

It's time to start telling the new story, and only telling that one.

With a nod and a wave to the story of old, but that's it. Sure, the old story is what got us to here.

But when we keep telling it?

We keep the story alive here.

Let's start telling all the new stories. Being willing to let go. To become.

Make sure you listen to this week's episode and see what comes up for you!