Going All In

When your focus and energy and attention are scattered, your results will reflect that.

When you decide to go all in on one course of action, when you narrow your focus, when you decide that failure is not an option and you remove any opportunity for back tracking or escape, and you force yourself into one very narrow, focused course of action, then that is when you can achieve success, and success beyond your wildest dreams.

It takes real courage to go all in, to cut the cords on all alternatives, to burn the boats, to remove all other options, to close down all escape routes.

When you go all in, you step up into your life and into your power in the most extraordinary of ways.

When you are all in, boots and all, and you know that you will stop at nothing until you win - when you bring that kind of commitment and certainty to what you are doing, you will be able to change your beliefs and take massive action in a way that you have never been able to do before.

You will begin to attract to you the most incredible opportunities.

Opportunities beyond just what you are focusing on, but that can come in because you are focused: building an energy and momentum that cannot be achieved when you are scattered and keeping your options open.

Where and how are you going to GO ALL IN?

Today, you can reflect on that question as you listen to this episode of the podcast.