Creative Visualisation

Our minds think in images, not in words.

And our mind is always thinking.

And when we think, we attach emotions and feelings to our thoughts.

This is how we create our reality.

Creative visualisation is about taking charge, taking responsibility, taking ownership of what images we see in our mind, and being much more discerning about the emotions and feelings - the sense of desire - that we place on those images in our mind.

The process of creative visualisation means that we get to direct the images that play across the movie of our mind, which helps direct our goal setting, planning and actions, and helps us to look for and appreciate the opportunities and experiences which are here for us right now in the present moment.

The process of creative visualisation also starts to flush out all of the reasons why what we are visualising will not manifest, and exposes our weaknesses in our belief systems, giving us the clues we need to know what we need to work on to change things, for us to become the person for whom this is our reality.

Learning to harness the infinite power of our mind through a conscious creative visualisation process will start to completely transform the experience of your life, and utilising the process - whether through creating a vision board, guided meditation, watching inspiring videos, reading magazines - is a great place to start.

For it to become real, we need to have seen it first, feel it, and to believe that we can have it.