Being Open to Receiving

Life is a wonderful dance of giving and receiving.

But often, we block ourselves from receiving through a lack of belief, feelings of unworthiness, stories around rejection.

At a level, we are much more comfortable to receive nothing, than we are to let things in.

We might not like the experience of the lack, or the not having, but we don't know how to not experience it.

It is just so much of who we are, deeply ingrained as to our identity and how we interact with life.

But both giving and receiving are equally important.

The flow.

The waves come in, the waves go out. They don't just go one way.

So when we block ourselves from receiving, we are blocking the flow.

We want to give freely, abundantly, generously.

And also, we want to allow ourselves to receive.

In this episode of the podcast, I'm sharing a little story about letting go of a story that stand in the way of allowing, and the process I went through for it to happen.