The Dip

​ When we are working towards something - when we have a clear vision, direction, mission, purpose. We need to trust that what we are going through is exactly what we need to go through to get us to where we want to be.

That we need to clear the clutter that is blocking our progress, to open up new channels of thinking, expand our knowledge and awareness.

It’s in the challenge or the struggle - otherwise known as The Dip or The Valley of Despair - that we learn stuff, we gain greater insight into ourselves, we get to know ourselves better and understand more.

The darkness is the contrast for the light and it gives us greater appreciation.

It’s very rarely easy.

It often comes with pain.

But if we can hold the course, and not give up, not retreat but keep facing forward whatever the cost, then we will always come through the other side.

In this episode of the podcast, you'll gain a deeper insight into the process of change, and you'll know that you are not on your own.