I Am Resourceful

Being resourceful is having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.

We live in a loving, benevolent, kind, generous, supportive and caring universe that wants to give us what we are asking for.

Our job is to take the first step and to decide - to get very clear on what we want, and then to trust in the universe to provide the how.

When we believe that we are resourceful, and that we can have what we ask for - and we allow ourselves to ask for it, believe we can have it and allow ourselves to receive - then we are going to be shown the quickest and cleverest way to make it happen.

When we believe that we live in a universe of unlimited resources, then the universe is going to knock itself out proving to us that we are right.

So your job right now, is to get clear on what you want to be, do or have, and trust that you have the resources available to you to make and/or allow it happen.

And then, simply follow your gut, your intuition, be aware of the synchronicities and follow the nudges.​

Fiona x

You can grab a copy of the book I refer to writing in this episode - it's now published! You can grab a copy through my website (Australian residents only), or internationally through all of the online book retailers (search It Is Possible by Fiona Redding) and it is also available as an audio book through all the book streaming platforms, click here for Audible or Spotify.