Bookending Your Day

Being intentional and focused about what we do at the very beginning of our day and the very end of our day creates a very different experience for our life.

When we can set our day up for success by spending an hour or so doing all the things that help us create a state of peace and calm and balance and focus within us, we set a very positive trajectory for our day.

Likewise, if we can end our day by spending the last hour calming ourselves down and creating a space between the busy of the day and the rest time of sleep - reflecting on our day, on what worked well, what didn't go so well, what we could do differently next time, putting the day to bed so to speak and focusing on what we can do tomorrow, our lives will be forever changed.

And while it might feel that is too restrictive and costing you your freedom, what you will discover is that self discipline really is self love, and the more structure and boundaries you can bring into your life, the more time and space and freedom you will create.

Bookending your day is a winning strategy.